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Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day, my fellow human beings! What a beautiful day for us to celebrate the wonderful planet we've been priviledged enough to thrive on! Let's take a little time to show our appreciation for our amazing earth; to help honor this day and make sure us millenials get our tails outside, I will keep this post short & sweet.


(the gorgeous Samantha Richards demonstrating some love for our Earth)

What is Earth Day?

An annual even that occurs in order to demonstrate enivornmental awareness & care. There's actually a really fascinating history behind the "holiday" that you can read about here. It's a lot more in depth than I ever thought this day could be! Really, you should go check it out & read up on it.

How Can We Celebrate Earth Day?

There are tons of things you could to honor this day with projects ranging from small to large; it's a great day to be with your family and friends, and share gratitude.

Some Earth Day Ideas :

Plant a tree. Our world isn't getting any younger, and with all the development happening all over the world, we should remember that we need trees to survive. Trees = oxygen. And also, they're beautiful and add so much depth to our earth. This would make for an awesome family project!

Small potted flowers. An easier task and would be great if you have kids. You can go to any craft store and buy some teeny tiny clay pots and then go to Home Depot and buy some flowers to pot. Add to the fun and paint the clay pots!

Go outside. Simple as that. Take a moment to appreciate the fact that we live on a friendly planet that's job is to keep it's inhabitants alive!

Recycle. Recycling is a huge help in making our earth a cleaner and better place to live. Maybe take this day to start fresh and recycle your trash!

There are so many little things that you can do this day. So, take some time and step outside. Breathe in the fresh air & thank our Lord for providing us this beautiful habitat and remember to help keep it clean!

Peace, Love, & Stay Magical,


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