#FRIDAYFAVES elder & wilson good
Memphis is a highly diverse city, full of talent oozing at the seams. It's a city well-known for it's music culture. So, what better way to #FRIDAYFAVE than to talk about our favorite local music artists?
#FRIDAYFAVES Presents Wilson Good & Andrew Elder of Elder
We decided to get to know two rad local artists, Wilson Good (first photo) and Andrew Elder (second photo) of ELDER, so we took some time to sit down with them at our favorite lil cafe here in the city, Cafe Eclectic. They were such good sports to meet with us and share info about themselves, and we loved every minute of getting to know them and why they do what they do.

Currently, both are students at Visible Music College in downtown Memphis, and both are crazy talented. Their similarities may end there, though, with Andrew's electronic music being described as "melodic, hopeful and ambient," and Wilson's being described as being more piano-driven "indie pop/dark pop" and, he adds : "but I do have happy songs!"
Guys. Seriously, these dudes are amazing. Andrew Elder has just the right electronic music that gets me all giddy inside. I (Nicki) sat front row at his senior recital and almost peed my pants from happiness when he and his band performed his originals. My personal favorite is called Soda Pop. He just has this sound that is unique, and just GIVES YOU THE FEELS. Plus, he's pretty dang charming on stage. You should just really listen to his music and buy his EP when it drops.
From the moment you talk to Andrew, you know what he has to say is filled with a genuine passion. He has this deep connection with his music and it was evident as he filled us in on ELDER and his own personal ventures. We wanted to soak in every word of what he had to say, so you know his music has the same effect on people.


(Wilson Good)
Wilson Good has a deep connection with human emotions. Like many of us, he's faced his own battles during his lifetime and a lot of that has influenced his music style and his lyrics. When you think about songs that really stick to your mind and get under your skin, they're always the songs that seem to know exactly what's going on in your life; they're relatable, not just "happy-go-lucky, life's a party, rainbows and sunshines" like we hear in a lot of pop music today.The best songs are always the ones that come from a personal place in order to reach out and touch other people's hearts.
When talking to Wilson, there's this immediate sense of connection with him, even if it's your first time meeting him. He has a magnetic personality that draws you in; he's full of life, which makes it easy to believe that he can write lyrics from a very emotional and real place; because, I truly believe, people who can dig deep and be honest in what they say (or, in this case, write) have been through the thick of it. Sure, he's hilarious and can make you laugh on the spot, but there's something in his eyes that speaks to your soul and lets you know that he's been through it too just like you, which lets me know that his music has the same effect on people. And that's what I (Sam) loved so much about Wilson when we met--yes, it was my first time meeting him and, of course, I left happier and more full of life after our conversaton with him! He's one to know, ladies and gents, not just through his music but also as a human being.
Q & A with Andrew Elder & Wilson Good
We sat down with Andrew and Wilson and asked them some questions about their music and respective journeys that have led them to Memphis and where they are today musically!
BRANCH+ANTHEM: How do you usually write? music first? lyrics first?
ELDER : My writing process usually begins with a stash of lyrics I keep in my Evernote. I will jot ideas down when I get them through out my days. Before I sit down to write, I will also have melody ideas. When I actually sit down and write I will start making loops in Logic or just sit at a piano and start piecing together the lyrics, melody and arrangements.
WILSON GOOD : I write music and lyrics basically at the same time.
B+A : Where do you draw inspiration from?
AE : I get inspiration from good films mostly, but I can get it from pretty much anywhere: conversations, books, current events, life happenings. All of my inspiration revolves around human dilemma. That all that song really are: solution-oriented art that doesn’t solve the worlds problems, but empowers people to move forward in boldness make a better world.
WG : I draw my inspiration from life experiences such as breakups, new relationships, depression, losing love, finding love, and just about anything that happens to me. Songwriting is very therapeutic for me so my songs tend to be pretty heavy some times.
B+A : What do you want to tell people through your music?
AE : I want people to feel. I’m less inclined to give any specific messages through my art. Some of my most favorite songs made me feel. I hope my music helps people feel valuable and loved. As a Christian, I am situationally realizing the meaning of my life in the context of the biblical narrative. Christianity isn’t boiled down to a set of do’s and don’t, the Christian life is a life experienced. I don’t wish to obligate anyone to my faith, I just want to write songs about human experience.
WG : My music is different because it's very honest and I sing/write from a very vulnerable place that isn't found in a lot of pop music today. I'm not afraid to show how broken my heart has been. I want to share my story with others with the hope that they'll be able to relate and somehow experience some kind of inward healing through listening to my music.
B+A : When did you start playing/singing/writing?
AE : I started singing from the age of 8 or 9 to CCM backing tracks in church. I got my first guitar in 8th grade and started writing songs in high school.
WG : I started playing piano when I was 7. I started singing when I was 7. And I started writing songs when I was 14.
B+A : What has the journey been like?
AE : Its been a long road and I feel like its only the beginning. I have learned so much and I have so much to learn. From the humble beginnings in a band in high school to my time writing and performing in Memphis, I have grown so much and wouldn’t be the musician I am if it weren’t for the places I’ve been.
WG : The journey has been really challenging and difficult, but very rewarding. I used to only be able to write happy-go-lucky songs about love and relationships. Then life happened and threw me curve ball after curve ball and I have really been able to grow as an artist, a writer, and as a person because of my experiences. I would not trade my story for anyone else's. I am very thankful for the journey's I have been on because it has given me knowledge and life experience.
B+A : What’s next? What are you doing currently and in the next year?
AE : I am graduating from Visible Music College in May and I am set to make Memphis my home for now. My band ELDER is getting ready for an EP release and summer of rad shows. I also have a electronic bedroom pop solo project called NOT WISER I have created for experimentation and personal artistic development.
WG : I am currently recording an EP with Madison Line Records. I hope to have a new single out by the beginning of the summer, and we shall see if a tour follows suit!
Stay Updated With These Local Musicians!
Check out their social media pages and like and follow if ya dig! Support local artists and musicians here in Memphis because people like these two guys absolutely deserve it.
Andrew Elder
ELDER FACEBOOK facebook.com/eldernotwiser
ELDER TWITTER @elder_band
NOT WISER FACEBOOK facebook.com/notwiser
NOT WISER TWITTER @notwiser_10
Or click HERE for ELDER's Facebook Page
Or HERE, for NOT WISER's Facebook Page
Wilson Good
FACEBOOK facebook.com/pages/Wilson-Good
INSTAGRAM @wilsongood
TWITTER @wilsonthegood
Or go directly to Wilson's Facebook HERE,
Dream on~~
Nicki & Sam