Finding My Center...
These last few weeks have been pretty crazy. Balancing my teaching with my Etsy shop, and the three senior recitals I am in, AND my social life and time with my boyfriend and keeping in touch with my family......? I have had a full plate. (Possibly why I am writing this post at 12:48 am......tee hee.) But I have actually had a pretty peaceful week, and here's why. I picked up the book Yoga Girl by Rachel Brathen last week, and I am in love. I have followed Rachel on Instagram (@yoga_girl) for about a year and have been inspired by her beautiful photos (she lives in Aruba...) and inspiring messages. I will most likely be doing a full post on her at some point in the future, she's that great.

But anyways, this book. It has so many nuggets of wisdom! I have been really inspired this week to be healthier and kinder to my body. I just did a few things this week, but they have really made an impact! Rachel talks in her book about having hot water with lemon every morning.

Okay, maybe it was in my head, but when I tried this, paired with some quiet time and light yoga/stretching, I felt amazing the rest of the day. It was so nice to just sit there on my mat and drink my "tea" and do some yoga as soon as I woke up. I usually do yoga with music on, but it felt so nice to sit in silence. Pray, meditate, do whatever you do, but try it. Rachel mentions in her book how what we choose to do as we first wake up usually determines our tone for the rest of the day. I am definitely guilty of waking up and reaching for my phone to check my messages and emails and calendar for the day. But recently I have been trying to just reach for my devo book first, and then stretch and loosen up for the day. It really does make a difference! Finding that center first thing in the morning can set the tone for your WHOLE DAY to be stress free. And that really is th beauty of yoga. You don't have to be a granola eating hippie in Harem pants to do yoga. Yoga is for everyone, you don't have to change yourself to do it. And more importantly, you don't have to change your mood to do yoga. You don't have to make yourcelf be uber focused and majestic before you start your practice. It usually leaves me feeling relaxed, calmer, less tense physically and mentally, and more in touch with my emotions and how my body is feeling that day. I'm telling you, this book is gold. If you are interested in learning more about Rachel, her inspiring thoughts and wisdom nuggets, and reading some step-by-step yoga sequences, pick up a copy. You'll be glad you did.
Dream on,
**Photo credits go to Rachel Brathen