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#PROMOFRIDAY! emmye walker designs

Fellow, Memphians! This week's PROMO FRIDAY is featuring one of our very own local artists:


Emmye Walker Designs

I actually got to know Emmye through Muse Inspired Fashion (the lovely boutique I work at in downtown Memphis). She is one of the local jewelry artists that sells her items in the store, so there were many days when she would come in to do inventory or bring new items in, and we bonded during those times. We've had some pretty hilarious chats as well as good life talks. She is definitely someone to know and to keep close because her heart is of pure gold!


I have to tell you guys, Emmye is one of the funniest and sweetest people I've ever had the pleasure of getting to know! Her sweet southern accent is so inviting and she always makes me laugh. She's got a spunkiness to her that I adore so much and it translates into her jewelry style. She's always bringing in fun, new jewelry into the store that I completely go crazy over every single time; each jewelry item has its own personality and flavor that will make anyone who wears them stand out in the crowd. It's hard not to love her beautifully handmade and unique pieces because they go with any and every outfit--casual to dressy.

Emmye started making her jewelry after she took a class because she wanted "to learn how to make earrings for a local barrista" and it's been seven years of magic ever since. She has refined her craft over those years and is still going strong!


What's so cool and unique about Emmye's jewelry is that they're all handcrafted from "vintage finds" she collects during her travels. I've personally witnessed her come into the store and tell me all about her latest finds. She's got an eye for really fun, flirty, and unique pieces that she always transforms into her beautiful jewelry. She's got a wide range of style when it comes to her jewelry, which is perfect because that means she has something that everyone can enjoy.


She has many pieces that are made with raw, semi-precious stones that are to DIE for and are exiquisitely boho. Emmye is thoughtful with every piece she designs, and on her stones, she'll even put their "healing/spiritual" qualities on the tags to give you a deeper understanding of its importance when you wear it. It's intriguiging and quirky, which is what I absolutely love about Emmye's jewelry.


For those of you who are more drawn to shiny and sparkly things, Emmye has something for you too!

There are some beautiful designs with just enough bling to lure you in, and they're so light weight that you can definitely wear them all day long and even forget you have them in! Which is awesome for those of us who struggle with keeping earrings in our ears all day without getting annoyed (it's a real problem, ya'll).


Truly, Emmye has something that everyone can enjoy and her pieces also make for amazing gifts that will definitely not disappoint anyone.

Something really cool about what Emmye is currently doing is that she just put out a new brand to her collection called :

High Cotton Designs


Her and her daughter, Jesse, have been cooking this idea up for a while now and she has recently brought it to life. With the New Year of 2015, Emmye felt the urge to create this new brand and expand her horizon with her jewelry. When I asked her about the name, she told me all about how it connects to her mom and family, and the southern beauty of cotton fields she's so familiar with. It's a touching story and the personal and emotional tie with the name for Emmye reminds me of how she pours her heart and soul into whatever she creates, which is a testament to her passionate character.


High Cotton Designs features gorgeous jewelry with bright colors, fun tassels, and so much more! These gorgeous new designs can be found in stores at both Spruce and Muse Inspired Fashion in Memphis, Tennessee. What I personally love about "HCD" is that it just makes me feel brighter and happier when I wear it! The cheerful colors, and even the earthier ones, put a smile on my face and make me feel great--just like Emmye, her jewelry is spreading joy wherever it goes. I always love throwing on Emmye's jewelry while I'm at work and without fail, I get complimented all day long about it. She knows what's up in the jewelry world, you guys.


Q & A

BRANCH + ANTHEM loves to feature amazingly talentd people with big hearts, so of course Emmye was one of the very first people we got in contact with. She's a real, down to earth, and lovely human being. We love to get personal with our featured artists, so B +A wanted some personal details about Emmye.

B + A : What inspires you as an artist or where do you draw inspiriation from?

Emmye : "I truly look at everyday as a blessing. To be able to go into my studio and do something I love to do is my inspiration".

B + A : If you could give fellow artists advice, what would it be?

Emmye : "Be persistent, continue to do what you love and the rest will fall into place. It takes time!"


All good things take time and patience. Thanks, Emmye, for that perfect reminder. She is a perfect example of how consistent hard work pays off as a local artist, which is only one of the many, many reasons why we adore her and her work.

Branch + Anthem Loves Emmye Walker Designs & High Cotton Designs and so should you! Support Local Artists!

You can find Emmye's jewelry at Muse Inspired Fashion, Spruce, Etsy, and even Facebook!

Stay Updated with Emmye!

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