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Herbal Infusions!

Happy Tuesday, friends!! As a tea lover, I have been itching to try my hand at making my own "teas" or in my case, herbal infusions! With Spring just around the corner, I wanted to make some fun teas using fruits and herbs that you can pot and grow yourself!!


I went to the store and browsed the produce for ideas for my herbal infusions, and this is what I picked up!


1 lemon

1 orange

1 "chunk" of ginger root

a bag of dried mango

a bag of dried cherries

sage leaves

fresh potted mint

fresh potted rosemary

fresh potted basil

Now, I know I didn't *actually* buy any tea leaves! I wanted to try out some versions that were lighter on the caffeine (because I have a pretty legit caffeine sensitivity, BOO.) Of course you can buy whatever ingredients float your boat! I would suggest black tea leaves, white tea leaves, lavendar, or edible flower leaves!


This was all one big experiment for me. I hung some of the fresh herbs upside down to dry on my bulletin board a few days before I started this little kitchen experiment. Then I schemed up a few different variations for what flavors I wanted to try! You can really just go crazy with whatever ingredients you have!


I ended up making Ginger Lemon Mint tea. I used about a teaspoon of fresh giner (which I cut up into small chunks, removing the rough outside), 4 or 5 fresh mint leaves, and 2 smallish slices of fresh lemon, cut up. I put all of these ingredients into a coffee filter and tied it up with yarn! I've also seen people sew their coffee filters (with the ingredients inside) into a little tea pouch--cute!


Here's some other combo ideas:

basil strawberry

lemon basil honey

orange cherry mint

rosemary mint

mango sage mint

ginger ginger ginger (I LOVE ginger...)

Whenever I do DIY's, I am very impatient and I don't actually look at the recipes......I just skim over the DIY and kind of make my own version. So if you are very careful with recipes, this is your chance to EXPERIMENT! I generally used about a teaspoon of each ingredient, and steeping for 2 min.



I also recommend brewing some and putting them in the fridge for iced tea! That also opens more doors for adding some slices of fresh cucumber! Strawberries! Melon chunks! Lime! Fresh basil for decoration!

I hope you have a blast with these! Here is a picture of my kitched rug because I think it's cute...



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