Gypsy Daydream #PromoFriday!
Happy Weekend!!! Nicki here.
This week, we are spotlighting a very talented artist, Gypsy Daydream!!
Meet Korie Schmitz, a super cool Bohemian creative soul, and the mastermind behind Gypsy Daydream! She has so many beautiful handmade items! Beautiful flower crowns! Dreamcatchers! Jewelry! Can we all say FESTIVAL WEAR together??? Excellent. I am getting giddy with excitement for summer just looking at all of her beautiful creations.
Korie describes her brand as feminine, bohemian, and lovely. She takes time to "pick out the perfect color and flower combinations for each of the crowns, and that a ton of love and creativity goes into them." She started out just making flower crowns for herself and friends about a year ago, and her business started to grow from there!
I, personally, just love supporting artists who absolutely love what they do and who make their brand and business an outlet for ART! This girl is the perfect example of that!
We asked Korie what inspires her when making these lovely flower crowns. "I really draw inspiration from fashion and interior design. I am especially interested in boho fashion--both as clothing and as home decor. I am always on the lookout for things that catch my eye, like seeing art, curated food dishes, and other artists' work."
Korie markets her items on her awesome Instagram account (@gypsydaydream_) and accepts orders at !! She also sells through some other shops on Instagram, @shopblaqboutique and @waxcandy.
"I love making my items. It is a creative outlet for me and something that I genuinely enjoy. It's such a great feeling to see someone appreciate and admore your work. "
When we asked Korie if she has any advice for fellow artists who are starting out, she said,
"Take time to do what you enjoy. It is so easy to get caught up in our hectic lives. It's so important to make time for your hobbies!"
I definitely suggest checking out her awesome Instagram (@gypsydaydream_) and sending her an email order to
I hope you have a lovely weekend. I am now inspired to spend mine wearing flower crowns and being fabulous.