Aaaaand We're LIVE!
Hello, social media world! BRANCH + ANTHEM is here and we are here for the long haul!

I cannot tell you, readers, how excited Nicki and I are for this blog! Over the past two to three weeks, we've been diligently planning the things we have in store for you and have been editing our site over and over and over again. We've added features, changed our layout, made to-do lists and our monthly calendar, etc. etc....all for you guys. We may be new and a teeny tiny blog out there in the big bad world of blogs, but we are determined to keep going!
With that being said, I'd love to give you a little insight as to who we are, what BRANCH + ANTHEM is all about, and the plans we have for our blog.
To put it simply, we are two bohos on a mission to bring our readers inspiration and truth. We're just your every day, normal boho gals who pretty much live life just the same as you do. We have dreams, we have aspirations, we have questions, we have pretty normal day jobs...we're no different than anyone else and that's what makes our blog super special! We want to relate to our readers and make sure that each post is full of personality and personability. We are bloggers that want to create authentic relationships through creativity. There are so many amazing blogs out there that inspire thousands of people daily, and we're totally into that. That's why we started this blog: to inspire! Everyone is capable of doing amazing things, but sometimes it takes someone else's brainstorming to get your own mind creating.
Nicki and I come from two different states entirely, but somehow Memphis, Tennessee brought us together. We've known each other for a bit now, since my husband went to school with her, but we've never actually had a conversation with each other until just a few months ago! Danny (my husband) and I went to a little get together at a local pub, and it just so happened that Nicki and Rob (her man) were also there. It was fate that we sat next to each other because after about five minutes of basic, "getting-to-know-you" questions, we discovered that we both had Etsy sites where we both sold dreamcatchers. We exchanged business cards ('cause that's what you do when you make a new friend, amiright? Although, I think I was the loser and hadn't yet put mine in my wallet to have on hand...brrrrrp!) and before you knew it, we were messaging each other over Facebook like crazy. And BOOM. Instant friendship.
Not long after getting to know each other even more, it was Nicki who brought up the idea of creating a blog together! I was totally down from the moment she mentioned it. I knew it was going to be a lot of work, but I knew it would be completely worth it. Plus, it was a great way to strengthen our friendship, and, since I'm an extrovert with introverted tendencies, this smooth transition into a friendship worked really well for me. Haha!
Like I've said: we have so many ideas we want to share through our blog. We're both overwhelmingly excited, so we're trying to keep it simple for now. We're just getting our feet wet at the moment, but pretty soon, we'll be diving in head first!
To inspire a carefree, truthful, and loving life to our fellow human beings, and to create real, authentic, and lasting relationships with people all over the world.
We believe that each and every individual deserves to live a life that is in the moment, joyful, and creative. No person is the same, but we can come together and share inspiration.
Simply, our hope is that you might find the beauty in the little things, find the excitement in creating something new, and feel the joy in simply being free to be.
We have so much in store for this blog, the ideas are runnin' wild! I have to admit, it's hard not to get over one's head with all the ideas that have been flowing during our conversations. We've been crazily scribbling ideas down in our notebooks and it all leads down to the essential question of: where to begin? Well, Nicki and I plan to get together each month and plan out our blog sessions to ensure that our readers get a quality blog post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It's actually kind of funny, because as we've been mapping out our first month, we've realized that we're basically making legitiment excuses to hang out with each other (which is awesome, if you ask me). We have big, big dreams for this blog, but we know that we are just starting out, so our goal right now is to make sure we incorporate feedback quickly from our readers, take it day by day, and just have fun with it! I mean, yeah it's important to be organized and what not, but too much seriousness can kill a good thing, ya dig?
Here are just some sample topics we plan to cover in our blog:
Boho on a Budget (because not everyone can afford Free People, amiright?)
Promo Friday (we want to promote smaller Etsy stores, local cafes/artists/musicians/etc.)
Fashion & Glamour
& the list goes on and on!

If you're reading our blog & love what we're doing, it would help us out SO much if you left some feedback in our comment section. We want to make sure that our site looks good and is easily accessible. And hey, if you want to leave a comment with a blog topic you'd like to see here or have a question for us, totally do so! We're all ears and we're ready to hear you guys out.
With all of that being said...
Here's to our new beginning!
Much, much love & stay magical,
Savage Earth & Lace